Hello everyone! My name is Emma. I am a college girl who loves to spend her Saturday nights curled up with a cup of tea and a book. Some of my friends think that's crazy, and some of my friends think it's pretty cool. I just love to read, so they can think what they want.
As far as book genres go, I try to read a little bit of everything. My favorites are thriller, historical fiction, adult fiction, and survival, but I thoroughly enjoy a good contemporary, fantasy, or nonfiction read. I'm always looking for more book recommendations, and I'm always ready to recommend something to you. Every time I finish a book I want to call everyone I know and tell them what I thought. To avoid driving my friends and family away, I created this blog. Here I can share my bookish opinions with people who actually want to hear them. Hopefully that means you! I look foreword to sharing the joys of literature with anyone out there who cares to listen.