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Let's Pretend This Never Happened (A Mostly True Memoir) by Jenny Lawson

Rating: ★★★★★

I LOVE JENNY LAWSON SO MUCH! The only book I've ever read that made me laugh harder than this was her other book, Furiously Happy (check out my review). I was perfectly content to sit in my bed and read this all day long, because it's just so freaking entertaining.

If you have depression and/or anxiety I highly recommend this book. Jenny Lawson has struggled with depression and anxiety since she was a little girl living in rural Texas. Her writing shares her struggles in ways that will have you laughing so hard your stomach starts to hurt. I'm not talking about that internal laughter than turns up the corners of your mouth when you're reading. I'm talking about real laughter that startles your roommate while she watches The Office on the other side of the room. This is good stuff. Trust me.

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